Daily Mumble

This place is for short mumblings about my day.. some days I will decide to keep writing for a while and will provide a link to the longer page. Just right click and reload/refresh to make the new day appear if it hasn't..

Tuesday, May 2nd 2000:
I did it!! woohoo I found out what was wrong and uploaded the beasties.. will write more tonight to see if I can upload again.

Monday, May 1st 2000:
Looooong day, looong story and I just am trying to upload these darn things onto the Net.. Although I have managed to get someone _quite_ intriguing on my ICQ list, and also gotten involved a little more in the Amazons role playing.. :)

Sunday, April 30th 2000:
Shauns Birthday today, big shout out to him! although he doesn't come on the internet, let alone know where my site is :) heh heh heh.

Saturday, April 29th 2000:
Yesterday I managed to do a whole lot of things including talk to some people I hadn't for quite a while, go and see the movie Dogma and leave my course a little early eheheh, become addicted to wedges that are sold at an unfairly high price but are sooo conveniently close... and a few other things.. today? I'm just working on The Shiny Sword site and mucking around..

Friday, April 28th 2000:
No entry recorded. (day after: odd huh? I'm sure I wrote something)

Thursday, April 27th 2000:
Well, I have been happy for quite a while, due mostly to things rolling along nicely, however I'm missing a few people, but apart from that all is good and just smurfy:)

Wednesday, April 26th 2000:
Well I've come to visit an Amazon tribe.. quite an interesting, friendly set of people:) The Silver Moon Amazons actually.. I wonder if they'll let me be a dragon there...

Tuesday, April 25th 2000:
Well todays ANZAC day, and all that comes with it.. the end of the long weekend which won't happen quite the same for another 70 years or so.. Should be helping James out with his car speakers today.

Monday, April 24th 2000:
This one turned out to be a long one: There are so many thoughts going through my mind. . .

Sunday, April 23th 2000:
well it went great [smile] [thud]

Saturday, April 22th 2000:
par-tay time today. .I wonder how it's going to go? It should be all good.

Friday, April 21th 2000:
What can I say more than, yeahhh. Sitting back, relaxing and enjoying life.

Thursday, April 20th 2000:
had a car accident today, minor one, but I'm feeling a little shaken. Got the strobe light for alllll weekend (long weekend cause of easter and Anzac day ya see)... I thought about how my mother hides my ID on me.. you know, passport, birth certificate and so on so that I don't lose them - but everytime I want to use them I can never find them.

Wednesday, April 19th 2000:
well today I found that this page hasn't been linked properly for the last week.. ho hum. What else is going on? an elven clan somewhere I think [grin] and I booked the strobe light.

Tuesday, April 18th 2000:
weeeell, lets see, a big day of nothing, and something. I guess it's time to write a little more here, but it is a mumble and not a ramble eh? Maybe an update of some of the pages is in order.. yes I think so.

Monday, April 17th 2000:
I got a call from Anna reminding me about the strobe light for her party [gulp] lets hope I can still get it. Big easter bash it will be.

Sunday, April 16th 2000:
Today was nice, learnt a few things, sat back and relaxed. Not much to complain about I must say. Not much at all.

Saturday, April 15th 2000:
Ahh the weekend, you can't beat it. Went out for tenpin bowling and road cones last night, it's alllll good. As you get on the big days.

Friday, April 14th 2000:
woke up this morning feeling fine, da da da da, and something my mind.. :) It was just the feeling fine bit really.. cause it's a loverly day to day, and whatever you want to dooo, it would be loverly to be doing it, with you.

Thursday, April 13th 2000:
This one turned into a biggie - Today the depression lifted...

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