
13th April, 2000

Today the depression lifted... For the first time in a week I feel ready to take on the world again - although I never lost that, I just kind of forgot about it, and let it get dusty. It's like someone forgot to polish gods shoes and then god tried to convince me they were clean when I could tell they were only spit polished. This always leaves me to think 'maybe I should just be normal'. . . .

Of course, if I did, you'd have to wonder what sort of difference it would make,.. to me it might make none, because I might not be able to achieve it, however to someone else, my spirit may appear broken, my eyes have no sparkle, and my voice no lyricism.

Global heating. Glatial earth. Bollox. They don't matter, nor to our children or our childrens children do they matter. Yet to me, the fact that either might occurs intrigues me, and I want to know which one is more probable. This situation you see is odd.. The most probable is according to scientists - in fact the great freeze.. a drop in temperature all around the globe from 5 to 10 degrees celcius.. this means ironically that perhaps our pollution is the thing saving us from a glacial earth.

The depression is gone and the sun is in the sky.. so where did the depression go? Come now, where are the depression atoms? [grin] Where ever could they be? In my head waiting to strike again.. like evil non-ticking potatoes? What was the depression in the first place, you may want to know?
Thoughts to die for.
